Old Technical Examinations Order Form
In order that an examination candidate may determine the general form of the examination, a copy of a paper written in previous years is available for most examinations. Candidates should not rely too much on these papers. The Association reserves the right to alter the format and nature of the examination. Candidates are tested on the content of the syllabus for the examinations assigned. Although the most recent paper is released for distribution, each paper is at least one year old. There is only one paper available for each examination; additional papers cannot be obtained from any source. The cost is $1.00 per paper.
If you wish copies, carefully complete all information below and mail to the Edmonton office. Payment must accompany this order.
Papers Required
Exam Number Exam Name Enclosed is my cheque for $ for examinations, made payable to APEGGA
For APEGGA Office Use Only Receipt Number Date Exams Sent Amount Initials
Revised August 2000
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