This section of the website is for advertisers, advertising agencies, APEGGA members and others that want to submit material for publication in The PEGG.
If you’re a return advertising customer who wants to use our form for booking PEGG space, click here.
If you want to subscribe to The PEGG, click here.
The PEGG is the official, legislated publication of APEGGA. A tabloid-style, four-colour newspaper, The PEGG is distributed each month except August and December to members and other selected stakeholders. Unless otherwise stated, closing date for all materials is 12 noon on the 15th of the month prior to publication, or Nov. 25 for the January 2006 edition.
All advertising is subject to GST. Our registration number is 106728603. Rates
listed here became effective January 2005.
BY |
Full Page |
5 x 222 |
10 3/8" W x 15 3/8" D |
$2,772 |
Half Page |
5 x 110 |
10 3/8" W x 7 7/8" D |
1,525 |
Third Page |
3 x 122 |
6 1/8" W x 8 5/8" D |
945 |
Quarter Page |
3 x 90 |
6 1/8" W x 6 3/8" D |
732 |
Eighth Page |
2 x 70 |
4" W x 5" D |
366 |
Directory Standard
Size Only |
Business Card |
2 x 28 |
2" Width x 4" Depth |
$132 |
1 x 56 |
4" Width x 2" Depth |
$132 |
Above costs are: Per insertion, for black & white camera ready ads. *All Prices Are Net |
Black & White plus 1 spot colour = $200
plus 2 spot colours = $400; full process/colour = $600
Colour ads must be in CMYK (colour separation mode).
Subject to change without notice
• Advertisements must be camera ready.
• Digital, e-mailed files preferred. Diskettes also OK. Send us a laser proof for reference.
• Macintosh platform preferred, using
a) QuarkXpress 3.3 or higher with all source files and fonts included
b) PDF saved with high-quality compression and fonts embedded
c) EPS or TIFF files, but make sure they are 200 d.p.i. quality and fonts are embedded
d) PageMaker 5.0-6.5 acceptable, but only as a last resort. PageMaker files will have to be converted by us to EPS or TIFF for production. Problems usually occur. Extra costs may be charged back to the advertiser.
NOTE: If you use an IBM or compatible PC to create the file, a), b), c), d) still apply but extra caution must be taken with font usage. Since Mac and PC fonts are not always compatible, some fonts may have to be substituted.
Ads also accepted in the form of glossy, black and white reproduction proofs.
Sorry, but we can no longer accept advertisements submitted on film.
Printed web press, 100-line screen. Tabloid page: 10 3/8" x 15 3/4" deep. Columns per page: five. Column width: 11.5 picas (1 15/16"). Electrabrite paper.
Designers should take into account the absorbency of newsprint. Specs that apply to glossy paper are not necessarily advised for The PEGG. For example, designers should avoid small, fine type in reverse print.
Click here to read our Advertising Submission Advanced Guideline for Digital Material.
Click here to view actual PEGG advertisement sizes.
CIRCULATION - As of January 2003
Average total controlled distribution: 43,652. Geographical breakdown: Alberta:
37,520 Other Provinces: 4,028 United States: 1,520 Other: 584
An extra charge may be applied for ads typeset and designed by the publisher,
at the editor’s discretion. We limit liability for errors in printed ads
we have typeset to 10 per cent of the space value of the ad.
Editorial copy is considered separately from sold advertising. While no commitment
for editorial coverage can form any part of a sale agreement, announcements appropriate
to the advertisement, where deemed beneficial to the readership, will be considered
but will be published only if space permits.
Although some Association features recur in the same months year after year,
these items rarely if ever involve special, linked or sponsorship advertising
opportunities. The PEGG rarely sells advertising space for any special sections,
recurring or otherwise. We therefore do not create an annual
editorial calendar.
Any advertiser booking three or more ads of any size in any 12-month period receives
a 10 per cent discount. Also, The PEGG may – at APEGGA’s sole discretion – negotiate
further discounts for those advertisers willing to enter into sales contracts
that commit them to more extensive campaigns.
Due on receipt of invoice. Invoice sent with two tearsheets after distribution
of issue in which ad appears. Interest charges on unpaid accounts after 30 days:
2 per cent per month.
Advertisements for professional positions in engineering, geology and geophysics
in Alberta should indicate membership in APEGGA is a requirement. We also encourage
members to use their APEGGA professional titles in all of their advertising.
These publications do not accept advertising.
All advertisements must be acceptable to the publisher in content and design. Certain
types of advertising are not permitted or are only permitted in a limited way. Cancellation and major changes in insertion orders will not be accepted
after the closing date. Advertiser and advertising agency agree that The
PEGG(APEGGA) shall be under no liability for the failure, by any cause, to insert
an advertisement. Advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for the
content (including text representation and illustrations) of advertisements printed
and also assume responsibility for any claims arising as a result against the
The PEGG welcomes submissions and article suggestions from members. However, space is limited and demand is brisk. The editors, therefore, cannot guarantee publication and reserve the right to reject, condense or edit any article. By necessity, we must be selective.
The PEGG is not an academic or peer-reviewed journal. We are not interested in printing research papers and formal presentations to conferences. Their subject matter may be newsworthy, however, and warrant a separately assigned story that matches our requirements.
Although many stories have some technical content, we are not interested in articles of interest to narrow, specialized audiences within the APEGGA membership.
The PEGG does not use stories to promote specific commercial products and services. We leave that to paid advertising. However, we do include mention of products and services when they are an important part of a story. News value and reader interest determine coverage – not a company’s promotional needs.
The PEGG is interested in features about major engineering and geoscience projects and developments involving our members. The more that the greater public good is reflected in an article, the more likely it is to meet our needs.
• We invite comment on Association and societal issues involving the professions. Readers’ Forum, our section for letters to the editor, is limited to submissions of 300 words or less. The PEGG reserves the right to edit for length, legality, coherence and taste. This is also the place to respond to stories and other letters.
A Backgrounder or Insight article, which may run as long as 1,000 words and usually contains at least some of the writer’s opinions, is a potential avenue of comment. Subject matter must match the writer’s professional knowledge or area of practice.
We are after a full spectrum of opinion. Opinions do not necessarily reflect those of APEGGA staff, Council and executive.
The best way to assess our needs is to read past stories. Click here to visit The PEGG Online, which features .html versions of all PEGG stories from January 2003 onward.
Rarely do stories and submissions exceed 1,200 words. Please do not
send longer items – condense them first.
January Issue - Deadline: November 26,
February Issue - Deadline: January 14,
March Issue - Deadline: February 15, 2005
April Issue - Deadline: March 15, 2005
May Issue - Deadline: April 15, 2005
June Issue - Deadline: May 13, 2005
July Issue - Deadline: June 15, 2005
Advertisers submitting material should book ad space at least two (2) weeks
prior to the submission deadline (especially if submitting larger ads and colour
ads). To further facilitate an orderly production process, advertisers are encouraged
to submit material prior to the deadline. INSERTION OF ADS BOOKED CLOSE TO OR