December 2004, Tuesday
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Location: Red Deer Provincial Building, 4920 51st St., Room 304
APEGGA's Central Alberta Branch continues its' "Lunchtime Form" series of presentations which are scheduled for the lunch hour on the first Tuesday of each month, at the Red Deer Provincial Building.

Concepts of Professionalism

Guest Speaker Lianne Lefsrud, P.Eng., APEGGA Assistant Director, Professional Practice

What is professionalism? Why does it matter? As professional members in APEGGA, what are the implications for us and our actions? What are the issues affecting professionalism that must be considered? How can professionalism be encouraged?

Those questions are answered in APEGGA’s Concepts of Professionalism, which has recently been revised, and now takes a more personal and pragmatic view of professionalism.

The relationships of these concepts with APEGGA's Guideline for Ethical Practice and Relying on Work Prepared by Others will also be discussed, as they pertains to the outsourcing of engineering work, multi-disciplinary projects, and whistle-blowing.

Lianne M. Lefsrud, P.Eng., is the Assistant Director, Professional Practice, a positions she’s held for the past two years. Her portfolio includes the Environment Committee and, along with Director Ray Chopiuk, P.Eng, the Practice Standards Committee, the Practice Review Board, and Continuing Professional Development. Before joining APEGGA, she was with CN Rail in various operating positions.

For more information contact Shirley Layne at (780) 426-3990, E-mail: slayne@apegga.org.

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