December 2003, Tuesday
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"Lunchtime Forum" Series 2003-04


One benefit of Asset Reliability is the provision of a comprehensive source of information on all types of assets within your organization. The proper management of these assets allows greater control of the information on which your operation relies. With appropriate solutions, organizations can manage thousands of assets with emphasis on having the right details available at the right time in the right place. With appropriate information available, companies can reduce downtime and frustration. Assets are not limited to equipment, but can also pertain to customers, employees and suppliers. Wade Keller, Nova Chemicals Inc. will describe what "asset reliability " is, and how it can benefit your organization.

This presentation will be of particular interest to those involved in asset information management, and generally to those interested in discovering potential techniques for improving their business. Following the presentation, Wade will be available to answer your questions.

WHEN: Tuesday, December 2, 2003
TIME: 12:10 pm - 12:50 pm

WHERE: Room 111, Red Deer Provincial Bldg., 4920 - 51 Street
Red Deer

PARKING: south side: limited angle parking
north side: limited visitor parking

Cost: Free, BYO lunch

If you have questions, contact:Peter Stevens, P.Eng. (Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: Peter.Stevens@gov.ab.ca)

Mark your calendar: CAB's next "Lunchtime Forum" is January 6, 2004 (in Red Deer): "Residential Applications for Solar Power", by TBA.

Did you know?
Central Alberta Branch is soliciting you for ideas on a "Legacy Project" for Alberta's Centennial Year, 2005. Deadline for submissions is December 31, 2003. Contact Peter Stevens, P.Eng. or check out Central Alberta's webpage through www.APEGGA.org.

For the rest of the news and events in your Central Alberta Branch area, check the APEGGA website, www.APEGGA.org

The issuing of Permits to Practice to practicing companies is an important element of APEGGA's obligation to regulate the professions. Many Responsible Members named on those Permits tell us that they are unsure of their responsibilities. A seminar, where members can discuss these obligations, appears to be the most effective way to clarify the roles.

The Government of Alberta has approved an amendment to the Regulations accompanying the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act to make attendance at a seminar mandatory for each Responsible Member from every permit holding company at least once very five years. Options to accommodate firms with large numbers of Responsible Members will be discussed at the sessions. APEGGA will be holding these seminars at our conference centres in Edmonton and Calgary regularly starting this fall, and will be scheduling seminars in other centres starting in early 2004. For more information and to register click on the link below.

Contact: Tatjana Injac, email: tinjac@apegga.org

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