TIME: 7:30 - 10:00 PM
Raising of the Kursk Submarine Presentation by: Frans van Seumeren
Advancements of Transportation and Rigging Capabilities in the Mining and Nuclear Industries, Presentation by: Jeff Kramme
Both Speakers are representatives from Mammoet Canada Western Ltd.
All APEGGA and CIM Members and General Public Welcome. CIM Branch Membership for 2002 available at the door ($10.00 each)
CIM or APEGGA Members $5 each
Students Free
Beer and Pizza Reception to follow.
For more information contact: Ken Chekerda 790-5306, Alan Beavan 790-5398, Jim Proudfoot, 743-6608, Steve Chetwynd 790-8678, Michelle Hayward 790-5478, Mike Sneath 790-7845.