Annual Recreation Night - Mini Olympics!
Each year, Central Alberta Branch sets aside one evening so members can compete head-to-head and team-to-team in all-out fun competition! This year, the setting is indoors at the North Hill Inn for 18 holes of (mini)golf, longest drive, drag racing, and much more! Admission includes appetizer platters, entry in all events, and a chance to win gold (the all-important bragging rights)!
Interested? Eager to show your stuff? Ready to take on the competition? Then come on out - don't forget to register!
WHEN: Thursday, November 21, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Wild Bill's Roadhouse, North Hill Inn, 7150 - 50 Avenue
Red Deer
Cost: $10.00
REGISTRATION: must be received by Shirley Layne no later than 4:00pm, Monday, November 18, 2002
Please note: limited to first 30 registered Olympians
For more information and to register online click here.
Shirley Layne, CMP - Special Events Coordinator, APEGGA - 2002 CAB Mini-Olympics, 1500 Scotia One, 10060 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4A2
or register on-line ere.
If you have questions, contact: Peter Stevens, P.Eng., (Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: peter.stevens@gov.ab.ca)
· CAB's "Lunchtime Forum" (Red Deer): schedule of events will soon be posted on our webpage, at the www.APEGGA.org website.