Distributed Clean Heat and Power : A New Power Generation Model
Mariah Energy Corp. of Calgary is pioneering the concept of a Distributed Micro-Utility through the introduction of compact Clean Heat and Power (CHP) systems. The microturbine-based Heat PlusPower(tm) systems are vending-machine-sized heat and power plants for apartment buildings, hotels, and other commercial and industrial applications. By operating a web-enabled network of small plants, heat and power is provided at competitive rates without capital investment while improving power security and reducing greenhouse gas and smog producing emissions.
A single unit 30 kW pilot project in Calgary has been producing heat and power for over a year, meeting on-site requirements and exporting excess electricity to the grid.
Field experience and results of independent US EPA performance verification will be presented.
Our guest speaker, Mr. Richard Adamson P. Eng, M Sc. holds a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Calgary. His career has focussed on marketing and technical aspects of commercialization of innovative technologies in domestic and international markets. He serves on the Alberta Distributed Generation Interconnection Working Group and on the Alberta Distributed Generation Policy Working Group. He also sits on the NRCan Advisory Board for Energy Science and Technology (NABEST). Mr. Adamson is a co-founder and Vice President Engineering, of Mariah Energy Corp., a distributed micro-utility and developer of the Heat PlusPower family of microturbine CHP systems.
Where: Travelodge - Kodiak Room, 1100 Redcliff Drive S.W.
Cost: $15.00 Members/Guests
Menu: Chicken Cordon Bleu, Duchess potatos, vegetables, Caesar salad, desert.
Time: 6:30 p.m. Cocktails
7:00 p.m. Dinner
8:00 p.m. Presentation (Conclusion by 9:30 p.m. subject to questions).
Please RSVP by Monday, November 12, 2001 by contacting:
Dan Lorden, P. Eng. - Canadian Fertilizers Ltd. - 527-8887 EXT: 303
e-mail: dlorden@canadian-fertilizers.com
Mary Ann Byrd, P. Eng. - S and EC Ltd. - 548-3600; e-mail: SandEC@monarch.net
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