Wittke Waste Management Production Facility Tour
Wittke was founded in 1936 to build farming and industrial equipment for the local area. In the 1960s Wittke started offering products for the solid waste industry. A lot has changed since Wittke was started. Today Wittke is part of a growing publicly traded company, Wittke Inc.. Products are manufactured in a modern, 75,000 sq. ft. facility that is currently undergoing a major expansion. By implementing 'lean manufacturing', production has been increased. Last year Wittke made approximately 1½ trucks per day. This year it has the capacity to do eight trucks per day.
Where: Wittke Meeting Centre, 1496 Brier Park Crescent NW, Medicine Hat
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Cost: Free but limited to twenty participants
Dress: Safety equipment will be provided. Appropriate footwear (closed toed shoes) should be worn
Please RSVP by Noon, Friday, October 18, by contacting one of the following:|
Dan Lorden P. Eng., C F Ltd. @ 527-8887 ext 303 or: dlorden@canadian-fertilizers.com
Sheldon Dattenberger, P. Eng. - Bromley Mechanical - 526-3142/ 548-4124, Sheldon.d@bromleymechanical.com
Jim Creybohm, P. Eng.: - Prolift - 362-3428/793-1536, jcreybohn@cefranklin.com