DATE: Wednesday, September 25, 2002
TIME: 11:15 a.m. Registration
11:45 a.m. Luncheon
12:15 p.m. Guest Speaker
LOCATION: The Greenwood Inn, 3515 26 Street NE
COST: $25.00 Members / General Public
$12.50 Students
GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Sharon Blair, Vice president, Research
Lightyear Technologies Inc.
TOPIC: Two Dimensional Material Nanomaterials and Applications
A synopsis of nanotechnology processes and applications will be given with a focus on Two Dimensional Material (TDM™). Lightyear Technologies is the proprietor and manufacturer of TDM. TDM results from a novel method of production within the realm of nanomaterials. It is made of one molecule thick sheets that are self-dispersing, flexible, semi-conducting, and corrosion resistant.
Applications for TDM include nickel metal hydride batteries, water purification, oil and gas catalysts, and hydrogen storage materials. These applications of TDM are just some of the developments emerging from the research. A description of two-dimensional material and how it can be applied in these various applications will be described.
You can find further information at http://www.apegga.org./
To ensure adequate seating, please obtain a ticket from one of the ticket agents listed on the reverse; or pre-register with the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 before Friday, September 20, 2002. The Calgary Branch now accepts Visa, MasterCard, or American Express for tickets sold prior to the day of the event.