5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Registration
6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Seminar
Holiday Inn Calgary Downtown, 119 12 Avenue SW, Calgary
$45.00 / Person
Rick Hatala, P.Eng.
" The Leadership Imperative: Awaking the Leader Within"
Today's engineers and geoscientists face many challenges: changing technologies, global competition and the growing demands of clients, employees, shareholders and stakeholders. A new kind of leader is needed; one who thrives on change, who fosters innovative environments and who is able to lead successfully into the third millennium.
But… what distinguishes exceptional leadership from ordinary leadership? It is not simply an awareness of practices, vision, mission and values alone. The key to unlocking the leader within is a passion and enthusiasm that originates from the heart.
In this evening session, through a series of lectures, dialogues, group discussion and self-assessments, you will understand leadership and management and why both are important. You will understand the concept of leadership as it applies to personal development, team building and organizational development. You will gain a greater understanding of your personal vision and mission and formulate plans for approaching specific issues and challenges affecting you, your position and your business.
We hope you will find some "Kindling" that may allow you to re-ignite the fire of understanding and passion for yourself, your work and for those you lead.
Pre-Registration and advance payments are required. Seating is limited and registrations will be dealt with on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please call the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 to register before Thursday, September 12, 2002. The Calgary Branch now accepts Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Please note: A light snack will be provided.