11:00 am - Socialize & Meet your Partners
6:00 - Dinner
7:00 - 8:00 pm - Awards
Cottonwood Coulee Golf Course, 3245 10 AVE SW
(Ph: 529-1010)
$45 per person (18 holes & barbecue) Prepayment is required for all fees.
$15 per person (barbecue only)
Make cheques payable to APEGGA - Medicine Hat Branch
* Spouses, family members and guests are encouraged to participate.
* Cost includes: 18 holes of team golf, BBQ Strip Loin Steak and trimmings, prizes.
* Best ball (scramble) tournament format. Teams arranged according to handicaps.
* Cash Bar - Clubs and Cart rentals available.
* Prizes will be awarded for:
* Team: -Top 3 with Lowest Score; Most Honest Team
* Individual: - Longest Putt, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin (mens & womens)
* Door Prizes: - Everybody Can Win!
Members of APEGGA and ASET are appreciative of the support and generosity of individuals & companies who make this event possible.
Please register by August 8th by contacting any of the following members:
Dan Lorden P. Eng., C F Ltd. @ 527-8887 ext 303 or: dlorden@canadian-fertilizers.com
Sheldon Dattenberger, P. Eng. - Bromley Mechanical - 526-3142/ 548-4124, Sheldon.d@bromleymechanical.com
John Penrose, P.Eng. (Combustion Dynamics Ltd.) - 529-2162 (tel) 529-2561(fax) jpenrose@monarch.net
NOTE: Please provide your 18 hole handicap when registering.
Next Event: ASET/APEGGA Plant tour of Cancarb Ltd. in the Fall, timing to be announced.