Come out for the last APEGGA event before the summer break…
"Not In My Backyard
The City of Red Deer Waste Management Facility"
Winner of the 2002 APEGGA - Environmental Summit Award
The City of Red Deer's new waste management facility takes a new approach that lead the way for others. It is an integrated facility that includes not only a landfill, but also a composting pad, recycling/salvage area, permanent household hazardous waste depot, and an interpretive centre.
Mary K. Stewart, P.Eng. -
The City of Red Deer's Solid Waste Superintendent
will also provide a presentation / Q&A session.
Families are welcome.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 26, 2002
TIME: 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM
(Meet at front entrance by 5:00 pm)
WHERE: The City of Red Deer, Waste Management Facility, Around 40th Ave and 18th Street, Red Deer
COST: No Charge
· Please contact Kim Ng, P.Eng. if you have questions
(Phone: 403-885-7283 or Email: ngkh@dow.com)
· To register, please contact:
Shirley Layne
Phone: 1-800-661-7020, ext. 369
Email: slayne@apegga.org
If you can't make this tour, have a great summer! See you at APEGGA events in the fall…