"Where are you Medicine Hat?"
Economic Development Strategic Assessment Presentation
Keith Crush - City of Medicine Hat
In the fall of 2001 the City of Medicine Hat contracted the services of Diane Lougheed Keefe Consulting Inc. to research and prepare an Economic Development Strategic Assessment. This report had four objectives:
· To define the key clusters/sectors
· To compare Medicine Hat with other communities
· To identify key clusters with high potential for growth
· To provide the strategic analysis for the economic development strategy
The June 19th presentation will provide an overview of the report process, a review of the findings of the report, and a look at what the next steps are as a result of the report.
Keith Crush, is a Business Development Officer with the City of Medicine Hat. He has worked in Economic Development within the Business Development and Marketing Department for the past three years.
Time: 6:30 p.m. Cocktails
7:00 p.m. Dinner
8:00 p.m. Presentation
9:00 p.m. Conclusion
Cost: $15.00/person
Dress: Casual
Menu: Grilled Double Breast of Chicken, Choice of Salad, Potato, Vegetables, Dessert
Please RSVP by Noon, Friday, June 14, by contacting one of the following:
Dan Lorden P. Eng., C F Ltd. @ 527-8887 ext 303 or:
Sheldon Dattenberger, P. Eng. - Bromley Mechanical - 526-3142/ 548-4124, Sheldon.d@bromleymechanical.com
Jim Creybohm, P. Eng.: - Prolift - 362-3428/793-1536, jcreybohn@cefranklin.com
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