Come join us at the Sunridge Observatory for a night of rocketry, a BBQ and stargazing. This is a purpose-built facility, owned and operated by the Medicine Hat Astronomy Club.
The club's main observing instrument is a 16.2" f/11 Cassegrain type telescope on a permanent equatorial mount in the main dome. The mount is equipped with electric slewing, a sidereal clock drive to track objects across the sky with a position accuracy of 5 arc minutes. The club has a wide selection of professional quality eyepieces and filters. For casual observing, the club has one 10" f/6, two 8" Dobsonian mounted telescopes and a solar prominence telescope used for observing sunspots and prominences. This is fitted with special filters which block the otherwise harmful radiation and intense light from the sun and allow us to observe the sun directly.
The club has a personal computer and printer with a selection of useful astronomical software used to plot star charts, track comets, calculate planetary ephemerides and predict all kinds of astronomical phenomena such as eclipses, conjunctions, occultations, iridium flares, satellite and space station crossings etc.
To reach the Sunridge Observatory from Medicine Hat Airport, head south-west on Highway 3 for 17 km. Turn right onto Range Road 72 and continue for another 1 km to the observatory. Look for Sunridge Observatory signposted on Highway 3 just before the turning.
7:15 p.m. Rocketry and Sun Spots
8:00 p.m. BBQ
8:45 p.m. Rocketry and an Astronomy Talk
9:30 p.m. Now dark for Star Gazing
11:00 p.m. Conclusion
$5.00/person or $10/family
Casual, bring appropriate "cool" nightwear
Hamburgers, hotdogs, pop and coffee
Please RSVP by Noon, Wednesday, May 01, by contacting one of the following:
Mary Ann Byrd - S & EC Ltd. - 548-3600, e-mail: SandEC@monarch.net
Ralph Luthe, P. Eng. - C F Ltd. - 527-8887 EXT: 216, rluthe@canadian-fertilizers.com
Jim Creybohm, P. Eng. - Prolift - 362-3428/793-1536, jcreybohn@cefranklin.com
Upcoming Events:
Economic development in the City of Medicine Hat, logistics to be confirmed.
The Ninth Annual APEGGA & ASET Golf Tournament and BBQ will be held on the 17th of August at Cottonwood Coulee Golf Course.
Attending this function contributes towards your Continuing Professional Development Program