5:15 pm Meet in front lobby of Red Deer College
5:30 pm Tour**
6:45 pm Meet at Cornerstone Dining Room(#1500) - Open Bar
7:00 pm Dinner***
8:00 pm Annual General Meeting & Elections
$23.00 Members & Guests
$15.00 Students
No Charge AGM Only
This year's AGM will include a tour of the final phases of the Red Deer College Expansion.
Branch Elections
The Central Alberta Branch Executive Elections for 2002/2003 will be held at the AGM. Your local executive continually tries to better meet the needs of the Central Alberta membership. We would love to add new members and their ideas to our team.
If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the executive or would like more information please contact: Blair Boudreau, P. Eng. 314-8738 (w) 309-4474 (h), blairboudreau@shaw.ca. The floor will also be open for nominations at the AGM.
** Hard hats and steel-toed boots (closed toes shoes minimum) are recommended for the tour. A limited number of hard hats will be available at the site. Please bring your own if possible.
***Please contact Blair Boudreau with any dietary restrictions.
Please contact Shirley Layne @ 1-800-661-7020, ext. 369 to register by Thursday, May 2.