11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:40 pm Guest Speaker
Speaker: Robert Marshall, P.Eng., Senior Pipeline Advisor, GNWT Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development Minerals, Oil and Gas Division
Topic: Canada's Pipeline - Economic Benefits to Alberta
$24.00 APEGGA Members/Non-Members (If registered by Apr.11)
$30.00 APEGGA Members/Non-Members (If registered after Apr.11)
$12.00 Students (If registered by Apr.11)
$17.00 Students (If registered after Apr.11)
Robert Marshall's responsibility and focus has been to provide technical and planning support to the GNWT in their efforts to promote and advance a future Mackenzie Valley Pipeline to connect Mackenzie Delta reserves with southern markets. He will talk about:
· A Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Project (MVPL) will provide substantial short and long term benefits to all stakeholders in Canada, particularly the NWT and Alberta.
· The long term benefits are significant as the MVPL will carry Canadian gas to southern markets.
· There is strong support for the project from the GNWT communities and the majority of Aboriginal groups.
· There is concern that if the Alaska Highway Pipeline precedes the MVPL, the Delta gas could be stranded for many years.
· There is a need for more support for the MVPL from the Federal Government and in particular Alberta industry and government which will benefit greatly from this project.
Express Registration: To avoid the line-ups, pre-register with your VISA, American Express or MasterCard and pick up your receipt at the door. Please note that refunds will not be issued if cancellations are received within two working days of the luncheon. To register, please call Shirley Layne at 426-3990, ext. 369 or e-mail: slayne@apegga.org by Thursday, April 11.
Please refer to the APEGGA website (www.apegga.org/events) for up-to-date information on APEGGA's meetings.