TIME: 11:15 a.m. Registration
11:45 a.m. Luncheon
12:15 p.m. Guest Speaker
COST: $24.00 Members / General Public
$12.00 Students
GUEST SPEAKER: Mark Adcock, General Dynamics Canada,
BOWMAN Program Chief Architect
TOPIC: Mobile WEB Access for Military Operations
Remote, mobile access to telephone and high-speed internet services has become an essential part of doing business in the information age. In populated areas around the world, these services are supplied by cellular networks; while in more remote regions, services are typically provided by satellite systems. Without the underlying radio and network infrastructure, the handsets that provide access to these services are not of much use. This begs the question: What good is a cell-phone handset without the network? Well it is a calculator, a video game, a date book.
More realistically, how does an organization provide inter-networked voice and data services to a group of several hundred to several thousand mobile vehicles in a region where the infrastructure has been completely destroyed or never existed in the first place? General Dynamics Canada has experience developing these capabilities for the Canadian Department of Defence and more recently for the UK Ministry of Defence. Systems like these will ultimately find application with all military forces in the world as well as a wide range of civilian applications. This presentation will describe this technology and how it will be used.
To ensure adequate seating pre-register with the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 before Friday, April 5, 2002. The Calgary Branch now accepts Visa, MasterCard, or American Express for tickets sold prior to the day of the event.