Medicine Hat Branch Luncheon Seminar Presented in Conjunction with the Innovators Network and Medicine Hat College
11:45 a.m. Registration / 12 p.m. - Luncheon
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Speakers and Panel Discussion
$20 Members & Guests (registration fee will be taken at the door)
Clement Laforce, Defence Research Establishment Suffield; Bob Palmer, Schreiner Targets Systems Canada Ltd.; Alex Markov, P. Eng., Amtech Aeronautical Ltd.
The proximity of Defence Research Establishment Suffield (DRES) to Medicine Hat provides local entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to launch high technology businesses in response to National Defence R&D program requirements. This seminar will explore opportunities within the current DRES program for local firms to engage in the contracted provision of specialized scientific and technical services and the collaborative development of novel defence products arising from the DRES research.
The seminar will feature a panel representing DRES, its major aerospace industrial partners and local entrepreneurs. Panel members will each give a short presentation outlining their perspectives regarding challenges and opportunities to contracting and collaborating with DRES. This will be followed by questions and general discussion.
Please RSVP your attendance by Friday, March 28th to:
Maira Devin, Medicine Hat College @ 529-3874, e-mail: mdevin@mhc.ab.ca
Mary Ann Byrd, S & EC Ltd. @ 548-3600, e-mail: SandEC@monarch.net
Attending this function contributes 2 PDH credits towards Professional Development