The GPRC Engineering students will be participating in a job shadow event on the afternoon of April 3rd. In order to increase the student’s interaction with APEGGA members, we host a technical night the same evening.
Please plan to join other members of APEGGA’s Peace River Branch and our GPRC students in discovering how to start your own business.
Jason Fimrite, John Lehners, and Henry Popek, all local professional members of APEGGA, will provide their perspective on how to “hang your own shingle”.
We look forward to your participation in this event.
6:30 PM Cocktails
7:15 PM Dinner
8:00 PM “How I started my own business”, perspectives by: Jason Fimrite, John Lehners, Henry Popek
$15.00 Members / Guests
FREE Students
Please confirm your attendance before Monday, MARCH 31st by contacting:
BERT HUNT (780-539-2008(work), 780-532-1338 (home), hunt@gprc.ab.ca)