Lunchtime Forum
Central Alberta Branch is continuing its series of "Lunchtime Forum" events, held every first Tuesday of the month.
At this Lunchtime Forum, "The Roles of the Energy and Utilities Board", will be presented by Leo Touchette, of Energy and Utilities Board (EUB). Leo will describe to the attendees, the three core functions of the EUB:
· adjudication and regulation,
· surveillance and enforcement, and
· information and knowledge,
as they pertain to the upstream oil and gas sectors, and utilities (electricity and natural gas). Leo will be available to answer your questions following the presentation.
This presentation will be of particular interest to those involved in the upstream oil and gas sectors, utilities sectors, and consulting and regulating fields.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 1, 2003, 12:10 pm - 1:00 pm
WHERE: Room 111, Red Deer Provincial Bldg., 4920 - 51 Street
Red Deer
PARKING: south side: limited angle parking
north side: limited visitor parking
Cost: Free, BYO lunch
· If you have questions, contact:
Peter Stevens, P.Eng.
(Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: Peter.Stevens@gov.ab.ca)
· Mark your calendar: CAB's next "Lunchtime Forum" is Tuesday, May 6, 2003 (in Red Deer): "Red Deer River Cleanup - APEGGA Volunteers in Action", by Gordon Ludtke, P.Eng, Aware Engineering Ltd.
· For the rest of the news and events in your Central Alberta Branch area, check the APEGGA website, www.APEGGA.org