Canfor Co-Generation Project
Please join fellow members of APEGGA’s Peace River Branch, ASET members and other guests for a presentation from Mr Doug Hazelton, P.Eng., Project Engineer from Canadian Gas and Electric Ltd (CG&E). Doug has graciously offered to present information on the new Co-generation Plant at the Canfor Sawmill and some other recent projects. This innovative project will generate electricity from hog fuel (wood waste). Doug will also be speaking about other methods of alternate power generation that CG&E are involved with.
This is an excellent opportunity to:
- learn more about alternate methods of power generation, specifically as it affects our Peace Region,
- network with colleagues, and
- earn professional development hours.
The event will occur Thursday, March 25/04. The cost including dinner is $25.00 for members and students are $15.00. Confirmation by March 22, 2004 will be necessary with no cancellations after that date. The Annual General Meeting will occur prior to the technical presentation. We encourage any members to get involved in the Peace River Branch, as an Executive Member or Member at Large
Location: Trumpeter Hotel and Meeting Center, Mtg Rm C
Cocktails: 6:00 PM, Dinner 6:30 PM
AGM: 7:15 PM, technical presentation to follow AGM
Please confirm your attendance by contacting: Darwin Juell at 538-0306 work, 538-9150 home, or djuell@cityofgp.com