TIME: 11:15 a.m. Registration
11:45 a.m. Luncheon
12:15 p.m. Guest Speaker
LOCATION: The Fairmont Palliser
133 9 Avenue SW
COST: $24.00 Members / General Public
$12.00 Students
GUEST Richard H. Kline
SPEAKER: President & CEO, Mercury Electric Corporation
TOPIC: New Sparks In Electricity Deregulation
What were they thinking? Years of planning, committee meetings, expert reports and debate went into developing a new electricity marketplace. Was it poor planning or just bad timing? What are the benefits to consumers of deregulation? Who are the winners and losers? What can be done to bring some moderation back into the market and how long will it take? These are all current topics of debate among the so-called experts and pundits. We will spend a little time trying to make sense of this new environment.
Meanwhile what can customers reasonably do to protect themselves in this new era of electric deregulation? Is on-site generation a viable option? How small does my load have to be to make sense for self-generation? What technologies are available and at what cost?
We will look at the future of the electricity industry and the directions where it will be taking us. Meanwhile, the future has arrived for some. We will take a quick peek at several microturbine applications and see how one can take advantage of waste gas sources for power generation. Was this type of innovation possible under a monopoly dominated environment?
To ensure adequate seating, please obtain a ticket from one of the ticket agents listed on the reverse; or pre-register with the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 before Monday, March 19, 2001. The Calgary Branch now accepts Visa, MasterCard, or American Express for tickets sold prior to the day of the event.