March 2003, Thursday
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Location: Coast Edmonton Plaza (Change in venue for this luncheon only) 10155 105 Street
DATE: Thursday, March 20, 2003 (Note change of day for this month only)

TIME: 11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:35 pm Guest Speaker

SPEAKER: Brian Kelly, P.Eng., Senior Risk Associate, Syncrude Canada Ltd.

TOPIC: Syncrude's Approach to Process Safety Management (PSM)

Mr. Kelly will expand on the following items:

* Explain the nature and types of operational initiatives required for a
successful program
* Discuss how the operating culture will change
* Explain the technical challenges in going to new document and data
* Summarize business case reasons in implementing PSM
* Clarify where the value lies and the expected main benefits
* Cover expectation of where legislation is going with PSM programs

COST: $24.00 APEGGA Members/Non-Members (If registered by Mar.17)
$30.00 APEGGA Members/Non-Members (If registered after Mar.17)
$12.00 Students (If registered by Mar.17)
$17.00 Students (If registered after Mar.17)

To register, please contact:
Shirley Layne, CMP
Ph: 426-3990
Email: slayne@apegga.org

Payment can be made in advance by credit card:
· MasterCard
· American Express

Please note that refunds will not be issued if cancellations are received after March 17.

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For Information on this Calendar, contact: Barbara Jensen  Created By Grafix NetCalendar Licensed To: APEGGA