11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:40 pm Guest Speaker
Speaker: Steve Stowkowy, P.Eng., Vice President, UMA Group
The DEW Line Clean Up Project - Challenges of a Northern Environmental Project
$24.00 APEGGA/CSEM Members/Non-Members (If registered by Mar.14)
$30.00 APEGGA/CSEM Members/Non-Members (If registered after Mar.14)
$12.00 Students (If registered by Mar.14)
$17.00 Students (If registered after Mar.14)
No Charge CSEM Season Ticketholders
In the past, little attention was paid to potential environmental impacts resulting from improper waste disposal practices. The situation was even more pronounced in the Arctic where harsh climatic conditions and permanently frozen ground, coupled with the high cost of transporting materials to the south, resulted in the establishment of hundreds of random dump sites across the Arctic.
Contributing to the north's waste management problem was the operation of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line. A legacy of the Cold War, the Canadian DEW Line sites located on the Arctic coastline from the Yukon Territory to Baffin Island in Nunavut, provided for the early detection of military approaches over Canada's northern border. Now over 40 years later with advances in radar surveillance technology, the DEW Line facilities are no longer required.
In 1992, Defence Construction Canada, on behalf of the Department of National Defence, retained UMA Engineering Ltd., associate consultant The SGE Group Inc., and geotechnical subconsultant EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. to provide consulting services for the design and cost estimating of the cleanup of 21 DEW Line sites. Steve Stowkowy, P.Eng., UMA's Project Manager, will describe the challenges faced by the project team, and the innovative solutions implemented to reduce costs and environmental risks and impacts on the project.
Express Registration: To avoid the line-ups, pre-register with your VISA, American Express or MasterCard and pick up your receipt at the door. Please note that refunds will not be issued if cancellations are received within two working days of the luncheon. To register, please call Shirley Layne at 426-3990, ext. 369 or e-mail: slayne@apegga.org by Thursday, March 14.