Please plan to join other members of APEGGA's Peace River Branch in meeting our President, Dale Miller. He will be traveling through our branch on
Wednesday, March 6th AND Thursday, March 7th.
Your attendance at one of the following events is appreciated. We would like to give Dale a warm reception and appreciation of the members from our area.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the direction APEGGA is taking. Your input is important to shaping the future of our profession. Discussion topics will include Relevancy, the Value of APEGGA Membership, the PEGGasus Computer Program, and other pertinent topics raised during the question period.
March 6th - Grande Prairie Event - Steak & Lobster
This event will also provide us an opportunity to honor our New Members during the Induction Ceremony.
GP Inn, Grande Prairie, AB
6:30 PM Cocktails
7:30 PM Dinner - Steak & Lobster, wine on tables
8:15 PM New Member Induction Ceremony
8:30 PM President's Address, Q&A Session
$25.00 Members / Guests
$15.00 Students
Please confirm your attendance before FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 2002 by contacting:
LISA HALL (780-539-8646(work), 780-539-0010 (home), lisa.hall@weyerhaeuser.com)
March 7th - Peace River Event - Presidential Lunch
This event will also provide us an opportunity to recognize the winners and nominees of the 2001 APEGGA Teacher's Awards.
Travelers Motor Hotel, Sternwheeler Room, Peace River, AB
12:00 - 1:30 PM Smorgasbord
$10.00 Member/Guest
Please confirm your attendance before FRIDAY, MARCH 1st, 2002 by contacting: DAN ROPCHAN (332-1075, ropchan@telusplanet.net)