Central Alberta Branch's series of "Lunchtime Forum" events, held every first Tuesday of the month
"Geothermal Energy Exchange for Heating and Cooling"
Development of geothermal energy is becoming more prevalent in Alberta. Richard Farrand P.Eng, with support from Earth Geothermal Inc., will present the applicability of the harnessing technology of geothermal energy to Central Alberta, and Canada. The presentation will cover these key items of interest with relevance to Central Alberta:
- Basic concepts of Heat Pumps as used in geothermal installations
- Geothermal Heat Exchange Concept
- Geothermal Heat Exchange Loop types
- Typical Domestic Installation
- Commercial Installations
- Existing installations in Alberta
- Prospects in Alberta
WHEN: Tuesday, March 2, 2004, 12:10 pm - 12:50 pm
WHERE: Alberta Environment, Room 304, Boardroom 1
Red Deer Provincial Bldg., 4920 - 51 Street, Red Deer
PARKING: South side: limited angle parking, north side: limited visitor parking
COST: Free, BYO lunch
If you have questions, contact Peter Stevens, P.Eng.
Phone: 403-340-7737 or Email: Peter.Stevens@gov.ab.ca
- Mark your calendar: CAB's next "Lunchtime Forum" is April 6, 2004 (in Red Deer): "RedR, Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief", by Dave Chalcroft, P.Eng., Chair, Board of Directors, RedR.
- Did you know?
The annual Student Mixer event will occur during the evening of Tuesday, March 9, 2004 at "Jim and Jer's". Contact Peter Stevens, P.Eng., or check out Central Alberta Branch's webpage through www.APEGGA.org for registration.
- For the rest of the news and events in your Central Alberta Branch area, check the APEGGA website, www.APEGGA.org