6.30 pm Cocktails
7.00 pm Dinner
7.45 pm Guest Speaker
Industry - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Tracy Casavant
Industrial development in communities affects everyone, whether you are worried about groundwater and air impacts or are involved in industrial development. Industrial activity is always a concern. The Peace River Branch of APEGGA is proud to be featuring Tracy Casavant from Vancouver, BC to discuss this issue. Tracy is an engineer and industrial ecologist who helps improve the financial and environmental performance of industrial developments within communities. She is working on eco-industrial projects with a number of communities and industrial areas in western Canada.
Tracy will speak to a number of issues such as what makes a successful development, what are the potential opportunities for communities and industry, what issues can be resolved and what ecologically acceptable and financial feasible methods are available to address these issues.
This will be an enlightening presentation for all those that are involved with industry, development or anyone who breathes clean air.
$20.00 Members & Guests
Please RSVP by February 22 to John Lehners at 532-4919(w) or 532-4739(f) or email at jlehners@telusplanet.net.