Oil Sands Expansion
6:30 pm Cocktails
7:00 pm Dinner
8:00 - 9:00 pm Presentations
Oil Sands extraction technology had centered in the Ft. McMurray area for a few decades, and now has burgeoned into a massive business and economic resource. APEGGA proudly presents an evening for its members to learn about today's state-of-the-art technology in action in the Oil Sands industry.
The presentation will include:
- An Overview of Upcoming Projects
- Latest Technology Developments in Extraction Processes
- Ore Preparation, Breaker Technology
- Paraffinic Froth Treatment
- Fine Tailings Thickening
- Profile of the Muskeg River Project.
The Muskeg River Oil Sands Project is currently being constructed by Muskeg River Contractors (MRC) north of Mildred Lake. This Shell, Chevron and Western Oil Sands joint venture project is operated by Albian Sands Energy (ASE) Inc.
Project profile includes:
· System identification and definition
· Testing and turnover schedule preparation
· Pre-Operational testing execution
· Organization and personnel
· Vendor representative coordination
· Completion management software
· Process/Control simulation tools
· Water testing and design verification
Christine Kemp, P. Eng. Fluor Canada Ltd., Principal Process Engineer
Jim Spenceley, P. Eng. MRC, Pre-Operations Manager
Stuart Saich MRC, Principal Process Engineer
Chris M. Nendsa, P. Eng. Fluor Canada Ltd., Manager Oil Sands Developments
This is a complimentary event, but we request that you RSVP for tickets by February 15, 2002.
The Event is sponsored by Fluor Canada Ltd.
For Tickets contact:
Jacob Oommachan 713-3911
Mitch Azmier 790-5271
Kim Farwell 790-5859
Paul Hagar 790-5885
Kamal Hammad 715-9592
Anne Simpson 790-7869
Irfan Ahmad 713-4939
Christophe Durieu 790-7094
Bruce Durnford 790-8278
Rattan Garcha 790-4830
Louise Michaud 713-4429
Prakash Mullick 791-9176
Mike Sneath 790-7845