11:15 a.m. Registration
11:45 a.m. Luncheon
12:15 p.m. Guest Speaker
$25.00 Members / General Public
$12.50 Students
Jon Isley, P.Eng., Fluor Daniel
TOPIC: "Oil Sands: Alberta's Opportunity to Become a Significant Oil Exporter"
This presentation will discuss the unique opportunity Alberta has to become a vital supplier of secure oil to the U.S. and reduce its dependence on oil imports from geopolitically challenged areas of the world, such as the Middle East.
Alberta is currently the largest supplier of crude oil to the U.S. and can increase its market share in the future since Alberta's oil sands potential reserves, estimated at about 300 billion barrels recoverable reserves, provides a very long life proven supply source. However, significant challenges, such as capital requirements, risk management and environmental issues, lie ahead to achieve the potential growth in synthetic crude production derived from oil sands bitumen.
A technical and economic overview of the various processing schemes to utilize oil sands derived bitumen will be discussed.
To ensure adequate seating, please pre-register with the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 before Friday, February 13, 2004. The Calgary Branch now accepts Visa, MasterCard, or American Express for tickets sold prior to the day of the event.