TIME: 5:30 p.m. Registration
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Seminar
LOCATION: The Fairmont Palliser Hotel, Alberta Room
133 9 Avenue SW, Calgary
COST: Free
FACILITATOR: Dr. Judith Lentin, P.Geol., Consultant
TOPIC: "The Power of Mentoring - How Your Company Could Benefit"
Mentoring has been touted as a powerful means of transferring knowledge from more to less experienced employees. It also sends a message to your employees that they are valued. At a time when the job market is tight and with the prospect of the baby-boomers retiring over the next 10 years you have to retain and train those people who you want to carry your company into the future. For the past year APEGGA has been working to develop a Mentoring program to meet this need.
Dr. Lentin, an APEGGA volunteer and head of The Mentors, will:
ˇ describe the process of mentoring and how that process can result in greater productivity in companies.
ˇ explain the interrelationships and differences between mentoring, coaching and counseling, and review the most common mentoring models, including the differences between friends, role-models, sponsors and mentors.
ˇ discuss the roles and responsibilities of mentors against the background of the expectations of the mentee or protégé.
ˇ provide potential goals for mentoring teams.
ˇ provide sample contracts upon which to build the relationships.
ˇ discuss the ways mentoring relationships can go sour and how to anticipate and deal with such circumstances.
ˇ describe fully the APEGGA model; companies will have opportunities to ask questions about the program and to sign up to have the program in their own workplace.
Pre-Registration is required to accommodate appropriate seating and will be dealt with on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please call the Calgary APEGGA office at 262-7714 to register before Monday, February 11, 2002. Please note: Light finger food will be provided.