11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:40 pm Guest Speaker
Speaker: Alastair Aikman, P.Eng., Aikman Engineering
Topic: Challenges and Opportunities in Code Application
APEGGA Members $25.00
Non-members $30.00
Students $15.00
Although appendices, commentaries and guides have been prepared for previous editions of the National Building and National Fire Codes (the basis for the Alberta Codes) few of the topics were covered adequately and many of the more difficult issues were not even mentioned. An extensive effort by committees, NRC staff, and others since 1995 has culminated in a comprehensive set of objectives, intent statements and other information that will clarify every provision in the 2005 Codes. One expectation is that this will make it easier for designers to develop new solutions to those implied in the Codes.
However, a better knowledge of the real intent of certain provisions may lead to confrontation between designers and authorities who have based their projects on opinions that may no longer be supported. Thus, these new Codes will lead to challenges in application and opportunities for new and improved solutions. Mr. Aikman will stimulate fresh ides and a better understanding of the new Codes.
Express Registration: To avoid the line-ups, pre-register with your VISA, American Express or MasterCard and pick up your receipt at the door. Please note that refunds will not be issued if cancellations are received within two working days of the luncheon. To register, please call Shirley Layne at 426-3990, ext. 369 or e-mail: slayne@apegga.org by Thursday, January 15.