What: Glow Bowling (5-pin)
When: Thursday, January 15th, 2004, 7pm - 10pm
Cost: $1.00 per person for shoe rental, $3.00 per game per person (expect 2-3 games)
RSVP: By January 13, 2004 to either myself at Niki_Phillips@keyspancanada.com or call (403)843-7195 (work), or Bev Oginski at OGINSKB@novachem.com or call (403) 314-7959 (work)
Please pass this information to anyone who might be interested. Also - the idea for this event was a suggestion from one of our members - thanks! Let us know if there are other events you'd like to see in the future, or if you have any comments/questions about the Central Alberta New Member Network.