APEGGA Résumé Referral Service Looking for a job or a few good employees? The APEGGA Résumé Referral Service provides free text PEGG and Web ads to APEGGA members & APEGGA permit holders. There is no charge to employee or employer for listings in the APEGGA Résumé Referral Service, but this section is available to APEGGA Members & Permit Holders only. The APEGGA Résumé Referral Service also maintains a database of résumés and will provide members résumés to prospective employers. Approximately 150 or more APEGGA members are registered with the APEGGA Résumé Referral Service at any given time. Information submitted must be 50 words or less (in body of ad, word restriction excludes header & footer), text only. Camera-ready copy cannot be used for free advertisements in the APEGGA Résumé Referral Service section. Only one free insertion per position can run. As space is limited, the APEGGA Résumé Referral Service cannot guarantee to run all ads submitted. All material must be submitted before noon on the 15th of the month prior to distribution to ensure insertion in The PEGG. For further information on this service, employees
or employers should contact: Take Advantage of The APEGGA Résumé
Referral Service Today! |