Chair: |
Dr. David Bardwell, P.Geol. |
Members: |
Mr. J.H. (Jose) Calzada, P.Eng. |
Dr. H.W. (Herman) Cooper, P.Geoph. |
Mr. P.M. (Peter) Enslen, P.Eng. |
Mr. W.D. (David) Hall, P.Eng. |
Dr. G.A. (Ghazi) Karim, P.Eng. |
Executive Director's designate responsible
for committee: |
Dr. M.W. (Milt) Petruk, P.Eng. |
Terms of Reference
A Major Objective
The purpose of the Professional Practice Examination Committee
is to ensure that new registrants are aware of the professional,
ethical, regulatory and legal responsibilities or practicing
as a professional engineer, geologist or geophysicist.
The major objective of the Professional Practice Examination
Committee is to ensure that a current, meaningful and relevant
examination in Professional Practice is available and administered
to new registrants in a manner satisfactory to the APEGGA
Board of Examiners.
Regulations 13(c) and 77(c) require, among the other qualifications
for registration, that an applicant have
- knowledge of the Act, demonstrated by passing an examination
set by the Board of Examiners
- general knowledge related to the practice of the Professions
demonstrated by passing an examination in Professional Practice
set by the Board of Examiners.
B. Goals
- To review the existing Professional Practice Examination
syllabus and propose updates as required.
- To ensure appropriateness of all aspects of the examination
to each of the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.
- To review the status of similar or equivalent examinations
in other jurisdictions and to review reciprocal treatment
by registering organizations.
- To review and recommend additional study materials and/or
deletion of existing study materials consistent with syllabus
content and the purpose of the examination.
- To review and update the current question bank.
- To review the preparation, implementation and administration
of the examination.
- To access and review performance of services provided
by the examination contractor and to explore alternatives
to this service.
C Activities
- Meet as required at the call of the chair.
- Report to semi-annual policy meetings of the Board of
- Become familiar with existing study materials, examination
content and administration.
- On a regular basis, review the examinations being used.
- Solicit information from a number of sources on the needs
and problems of professional members in the areas of professional
practice, ethics and law.
- Develop new study materials and questions based thereon
as needed.
- Collect and review information on practice of other associations
in administering Professional Practice Examinations.
D. Structure
- The Professional Practice Examination Committee is a standing
committee of the APEGGA Board of Examiners.
- Appointments to the committee are made with the approval
of the Board, and shall include at least one representative
of each of the professions within APEGGA.
- Special purpose volunteers may be appointed from time
to time to assist in the committee's work.
- The Chairman or designate shall be a member of the Board
of Examiners and will attend policy meetings of the Board.
- The Committee is accountable to the Board of Examiners,
and will report semi-annually to the Board.
- The term of committee membership will be two years, renewable,
with appropriate provisions for rotation of membership.
- A professional member of APEGGA staff, either the Director
Registration or his designate will serve as secretary to
the Committee.
Approved by the Full Board: December 6, 1996
Approved by Council on September 21, 2000