Chair: |
Mr. P.A. (Paul) Preville, P.Eng |
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Past-Chair: |
Mr. R.E.K. (Richard) Feilden, P.Eng. |
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Members: |
Mr. T. (Thomas) Anthony, P.Eng. |
Mr. D.A. (Doug) Bassett, P.Eng. |
Mr. H.C.W. (Henry) Bosman, P.Eng. |
Mr. S.M. (Steve) Croxford, P.Eng. |
Mr. P. (Paul) Elliott, P.Eng. |
Mr. R. (Robert) Faulder, P.Eng. |
Mr. L. (Leo) Flaman, P.Eng. |
Dr. U.T.B. (Upali) Hippola, P.Eng. |
Ms. B.J. (Barbara) Howes, P.Eng. |
Mr. D. (Doug) Jamieson, P.Eng. |
Mr. P.T. (Paul) Kavanagh, P.Geol. |
Ms. C. (Catherine) Kingdon, P.Eng. |
Mr. P.C. (Paul) Ledi, P.Eng. |
Mr. E. (Earl) Lipsett, P.Geoph |
Mr. R.G. (Graham) Lock, P.Eng. |
Mr. J.D. (Doug) Macdonald, P.Eng. |
Mr. J. (John) McInerney, P.Eng. |
Mr. R.C. (Bob) Milburn, P.Eng. FCSCE |
Ms. N.V. (Nina) Novak, P.Eng., P.Biol. |
Mr. C. (Chris) Ollenberger, P.Eng. |
Mr. D.R.P. (Dave) Robinson, P.Eng. |
Mr. C.A. (Cameron) Sterling, P.Eng. |
Dr. N.N. (Nagula) Suthaker, P.Eng. |
Mr. P.D. (Phil) Lulman, P.Biol. |
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Legal Counsel: |
Mr. B.J. (Barry) Massing, LL.B. |
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Executive Director designate responsible
for committee: |
Mr. D.S. (Stewart) McIntosh, P.Eng. |
Terms of Reference
I Major Objective
To investigate complaints against APEGGA members received
by the Registrar, or designate, in accordance with requirements
of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysicial Professions
II Specific Goals
1. To achieve recognition by APEGGA members that the investigative
process is an effective influence on the standards of professional
2. To employ investigative procedures that recognize the rights
of both a complainant and APEGGA member.
3. To implement an efficient, prompt and cost effective investigative
III Principal Activities
1. In response to written complaints, investigate allegations
of unskilled practice of the professions or unprofessional
conduct by members of APEGGA.
2. Authorize investigations into projects or matters believed
to be of major consequence to the general welfare of the public.
3. When investigation results determine that a Formal Hearing
is required, prosecute the matter before the Discipline Committee
of the Association.
4. Maintain accurate and thorough investigative case records.
IV Structure and Operation
1. The Investigative Committee shall consist of not less
than twelve members of the Association, as designated by Council.
2. Council shall designate one professional member as the
chair of the Investigative Committee.
3. Term of office of each member of the Investigative Committee
shall be three years. Members may be re-appointed to a subsequent
4. A quorum of the Investigative Committee shall consist of
the Chair or acting Chair and four professional members.
5. The Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, a majority of
the Investigative Committee, may appoint an acting Chair who
shall have all the powers of the Chair in the absence of the
6. Term of the Chair of the Investigative Committee shall
be one year.
7. At the end of term, the Chair member will continue in the
following year as past Chair of the Investigative Committee.
8. The Minister shall appoint one member of the public, from
a list of persons nominated by the Council, to the Investigative
9. Members of the Investigative Committee shall at all times
include at least one professional engineer, one professional
geologist and one professional geophysicist.
10. The Investigative Committee will be accountable to the
Executive Director for committee process and administration.
11. The Investigative Committee Chair or designate shall report
to Council as frequently as necessary to obtain any required
approvals of policy, and in any case not less than three times
per year.
Approved by Council on September 21, 2000