Chair: |
Mr. S.T. (Shiraz) Kanji, P.Eng. |
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Past Chair: |
Mr. R.G. (Richard) Farrand,
P.Eng. |
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Members: |
Mr. E.H. (Ed) Kozinski, P.Eng. |
Dr. F. (Fayi) Zhou, P.Eng. |
Dr. Ahmed Idriss, P.Eng. |
Dr. Fayi Zhou, P.Eng. |
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Executive Director's designates responsible
for committee: |
Mr. L.A. (Len) Shrimpton, P.Eng. |
Ms. S. (Shirley) Layne, CMP |
Terms of Reference
I Major Objective
To plan and implement District functions in Edmonton which
will facilitate communication among Edmonton members and between
APEGGA members and Council on matters complementary to the
purpose and goals of APEGGA.
II Specific Goals
1. To arrange a program of District meetings using speakers
that appeal and add value to a broad cross-section of the
engineering, geology and geophysics membership in the District
while enhancing the image of the Association in the eyes of
the members and the public.
2. To assist APEGGA committees and task forces in organizing
meetings or events which are conducted to gather and exchange
information on APEGGA issues between the membership and Council.
3. To provide regular opportunities for the transaction of
Association business.
III Principal Activities
1. Review activities of Council and other committees for
information on the activities and direction that affect the
members at large.
2. Develop an annual program for the Committee consistent
with its mandate and resources.
3. Conduct District meetings and issue forums, assigning Committee
members to the tasks of Meeting Chair and others as appropriate
to the event.
4. Arrange for speakers, publicity, facilities, meals and
equipment as required for each meeting.
5. Solicit meeting evaluations from members, analyze and make
6. Initiate and support activities, events and communication
vehicles which will stimulate interest and participation in
the Association.
IV Structure and Operation
1. The Committee is comprised of a Chair, Past Chair and
approximately eight other members.
2. Appointments to the Committee are normally for three years
with approximately one-third retiring each year.
3. In the event subcommittees are formed, members from outside
the Committee are invited to participate in order that the
perspective and interest in the work of the Committee is broadened.
4. Ideally, Committee members should represent a broad spectrum
of the APEGGA constituency - engineering, geology and geophysics;
professional members and MITs; employers and employees; and
members from industry, government and universities.
5. Committee meetings are normally held monthly from September
through June except December.
6. Budgeted expenditures including special and normal Committee
operating expenses are to be reviewed by the Committee before
submission to the Finance Committee and subsequently to Council.
7. The Committee Chair or designate should attend Council
meetings as an observer whenever Council meets in Edmonton.
8. The Committee is accountable to the Executive Director.