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Chair: Mr. G.J. (Gerry ) DeSorcy, P.Eng.
Past Chair: Dr. R.A. (Allin) Folinsbee, P.Geoph.
Members: Mr. B. (Bruce) Alexander, P.Eng.
Mr. M. (Mike) Berezowski, P.Eng.
Mr. E.F. (Eugene) Collins, P.Eng.
Mr. A.C. (Allan) Doell, P.Eng.
Mr. C.H. (Curtis) Feeg, P.Eng.
Mr. W.R. (Bill) Hibbard, P.Eng.
  Mr. R.W. (Rick) Imai, P.Eng.
  Ms. D.E. (Diana) Purdy, P.Geol.
  Mr. L.B. (Larry) Staples, P.Eng.
Mr. D.C. (David) Woodall, P.Eng.
Mr. N.R. (Norm) Mattson
Public Member: Mr. N.R. (Norm) Mattson
Legal Counsel: Mr. D.W. (Dwayne ) Chomyn, LL.B.
Executive Director's designate responsible for committee:
Mr. R.G. (Ray) Chopiuk, P.Eng.

Terms of Reference

Major Objective

To adjudicate allegations of unskilled practice or unprofessional conduct against members of APEGGA, and thereby maintain levels of competence and ethics in the practice of the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics.

Specific Goals

1. To demonstrate that the Discipline Committee is an effective vehicle in the adjudication of allegations of unskilled, unprofessional or unethical practice in the engineering, geological and geophysical professions.

2. To implement adjudication procedures that reflect an emphasis on natural justice and judgement by peers and in compliance with the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act.

3. To ensure an efficient, prompt and cost effective adjudication process.

Principal Activities

1. In response to cases forwarded by the Investigative Committee, adjudicate allegations of unskilled practice of the professions or unprofessional conduct by members of APEGGA.

2. Publish the results of discipline cases in formats designed to deter future infractions and to educate the membership.

3. Maintain accurate and thorough records of discipline cases to guide the committee members in assessing sanctions.

Structure and Operation

1. The Discipline Committee shall consist of not less than ten members of the Association, as designated by Council.

2. Council shall designate one professional member as Chair of the Discipline Committee.

3. Term of office of each member of the Discipline Committee shall be three years. Members may be re-appointed to a subsequent term.

4. A quorum of the Discipline Committee shall consist of the Chair or acting Chair and four professional members.

5. The Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, a majority of the Discipline Committee may appoint an Acting Chair who shall have all the powers of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.

6. At the end of term, the Chair member will continue in the following year as Past Chair of the Discipline Committee.

7. The Minister shall appoint one member of the public, from a list of persons nominated by the Council, to the Discipline Committee.

8. Members of the Discipline Committee shall at all times include at least one professional engineer, one professional geologist and one professional geophysicist.

9. The Discipline Committee will be accountable to the Executive Director for committee process and administration.

10. The Discipline Committee Chair or designate shall report to Council as frequently as necessary to obtain any required approvals of policy, and in any case not less than 3 times per year.

Approved by Council on September 21, 2000