Chair: |
Dr. M.G. (Gary) Faulkner, P.Eng. |
Members: |
Mr. D.M. (Dave) Bardwell, P.Geol. |
Mr. D.H. (David) Bowman, P.Eng. |
Dr. R.W. (Robert) Brennan, P.Eng. |
Dr. D. (Dan) Candido, P.Eng. |
Dr. C.E. (Clarence) Capjack, P.Eng. |
Dr. B.F. (Bruce) Cockburn, P.Eng. |
Dr. M.J. (Michael) Collins, P.Eng. |
Dr. H.W. (Herman) Cooper, P.Geoph. |
Dr. P. (Philippe) Erdmer, P.Geol. |
Mr. B.A. (Bryan) Evans, R.P.T.
(Eng.) |
Dr. D.L. (Don) Flock, P.Eng. |
Dr. E.D. (Ed) Ghent, P.Geol. |
Mr. S.C. (Stephen) Green, P.Eng. |
Mr. H.J. (Harry) Helwerda, P.Eng. |
Dr. F.E. (Faye) Hicks, P.Eng. |
Mr. A.J. (Allen) Krahn, P.Eng. |
Dr. E.S. (Edward) Krebes, P.Geoph. |
Dr. J.J. (Jerry) Leonard, P.Eng. |
Dr. D.T. (Dave) Lynch, P.Eng. |
Mr. K.S. (Ken) Mah, P.Eng. |
Mr. N.F. (Neill) McQuay, P.Eng. |
Dr. A.K. (Anil) Mehrotra, P.Eng. |
Ms. C.A. (Carol) Moen, P.Eng. |
Mr. I.R. (Ian) Norris, P.Eng. |
Dr. E. (Edo) Nyland, P.Geoph. |
Mr. N.D. (Neil) O'Donnell, P.Eng.,
P.Geol. |
Mr. J.B. (Brent) Parks, P.Eng. |
Dr. B. (Barry) Patchett, P.Eng. |
Prof. L.R. (Verne) Plitt, P.Eng. |
Dr. B.J. (Ben) Rostron, P.Eng.,
P.Geol. |
Dr. A. (Abu) Sesay, P.Eng. |
Mr. M. (Mike ) Sheen, R.E.T. |
Dr. N.G. (Nigel) Shrive, P.Eng. |
Mr. J.E. (Jim) Smith, P.Eng. |
Dr. R.W. (Roger) Toogood, ,
P.Eng. |
Mr. E.P. (Ted) Webb, P.Eng. |
Dr. S.C. (Chan) Wirasinghe,
P.Eng. |
Mr. T.G. (Terry) Gunderson |
Dr. W.W. (Wayne) Pettapiece,
P.Ag. |
Dr. J.B. (John) Railton |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Executive Director's designates
responsible for board: |
Mr. M.J. (Mark) Tokarik, LL.B.,
P.Eng. |
Mr. A.J. (Al) Schuld, P.Eng. |
Terms of Reference
Major Objectives
To confirm that individuals approved for registration in the
professions of engineering, geology and geophysics meet standards
of admission, in accordance with the Engineering, Geological
and Geophysical Professions Act and Regulations.
II Specific Goals
1. To establish and maintain academic standards for admission
to each of the professions.
2. To establish and maintain standards of qualifications for
experience, communication ability and character for admission
to each class of membership.
3. To develop and follow effective processes to review applications
for each category of membership in APEGGA as required in the
Act and Regulations.
4. To make applicants for professional status aware of essential
elements of the responsibilities of professional practice.
5. To facilitate member mobility within Canada in the setting
of registration standards.
III Principal Activities
1. Develop standards, policies and procedures that meet the
intent of the Act and Regulations in all areas of registration.
2. Review all applications for membership in APEGGA and, in
accordance with Section 29 of the Act, approve, defer or refuse
each application after considering whether it meets the requirements
of the Act and Regulations.
3. Provide and maintain an effective examination in Professional
Develop and maintain syllabi of examinations as required for
the disciplines within engineering and the geological and
geophysical professions.
5. Appoint examiners as required for the subjects in each
of the syllabi; monitor and approve results of examinations.
Structure and Operation (Act Section 29 and Regulations Section
1. Composition. The Board of Examiners consists of
an Executive Committee, and additional professional members
from universities in Alberta and the Association at large.
The Executive Committee is composed of the Board Chair, approximately
fifteen members who are academic examiners, approximately
fifteen members who are experience examiners and who comprise
the experience committee, three Public Members, two registered
professional technologists (engineering) or engineering technologists,
and the Registrar or designate.
2. Appointments and Tenure. The Chair and members of
the Board are appointed by the Council of APEGGA. Tenure is
normally for three years effective July 1. Academic members
are chosen from the engineering, geological and geophysical
disciplines at the Universities of Alberta and Calgary. Experience
examiners are senior practising engineers, geologists, and
geophysicists. The Deans of Engineering at the Universities
of Calgary and Alberta and the Registrar of APEGGA, or his
designate, are also designated as Board members. The three
Public Members and the two Registered Professional Technologists
(engineering) or engineering technologists are appointed by
the Minister responsible for the Act, typically for three
year terms.
3. The Board approves the list of examiners for setting and
marking examinations, and revisions to this list.
4. The Executive Committee of the Board normally meets monthly
to consider applications referred from the academic and experience
examiners. Files are normally first sent to an academic examiner
for individual review. Files are then reviewed by an experience
examiner on an individual basis, but meetings of the Experience
Committee are held as required to consider applications that
require collective discussion. Applications for Registered
Professional Technologists (engineering) can be referred to
the 50/50 Subcommittee for further discussion if necessary.
Full Board meetings are held in June and December, usually
on the same date as Executive Committee meetings for that
month. The Full Board considers matters of policy, significant
changes in procedure, examination results, appeals and other
matters referred to it by the Board's Executive Committee
or the Council.
A quorum at meetings consists of 1/4 of the members of the
Executive Committee or the Board.
The APEGGA Registration office performs all administrative
and secretarial work for the Board. This includes preparation
of agenda for and minutes of Board meetings, notifying applicants
of the Board's decision, as well as scheduling, invigilation,
and other tasks related to administering examinations.
7. The Board of Examiners is accountable to the Executive
Director, or his designate, for committee process and administration.
Major Committees
has a separate terms of reference, and is accountable to the
Board of Examiners)
1. Executive Committee
2. Experience Review Committee
3. Professional Practice Examination Committee
4. Character Committee
5. 50/50 Subcommittee
by Council on September 21, 2000