Chair: |
Mr. G.G. (Gordon) Stewart, P. Eng. |
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Members: |
Dr. D.G. (Don) Bellow, P.Eng. |
Mr. W.D.B. (Dave) Chalcroft, P.Eng. |
Dr. J.C. (Hans) den Boer, P.Geoph. |
Mr. A.F. (Al) Kiernan, P.Eng. |
Mr. K.F. (Kenneth) Paulson, P.Eng. |
Mr. D.H. (Dave) Rumbold, P.Eng. |
Ms. L.A. (Laurie) Slezak, P.Geol. |
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Legal Counsel: |
Mr. B.J. (Barry) Massing, LL.B. |
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Executive Director's designates
responsible for committee: |
Al Schuld, P.Eng. |
Terms of Reference
I Major Objective
To advise and assist the Executive Director and staff to
recommend amendments to the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical
Professions Act, Regulations and Bylaws to ensure they clearly
reflect the intent of the legislation and current Association
policies governing the practice of the engineering, geology
and geophysics as three distinct professions.
II Program Goals
1. To ensure proposed revisions to the Act, Regulations and
Bylaws are effectively and thoroughly evaluated in terms of
appropriateness, conformance to policy and intent of the legislation,
and consistency of wording; and are processed in a timely
and effective manner.
2. With regard to other professions, occupations and activities,
to review and to make recommendations to Council when requested,
relative to any new and amending legislation for compatibility
with the EGGP Act and Regulations.
III Committee Activities
1. To initiate, when requested by Council, revisions to any
aspect of the Act, Regulations and Bylaws as the Committee
deems necessary.
2. To recommend to Council revisions that are considered
Act, Regulations and Bylaws Committee
IV Structure and Operation
1. Membership will consist of a minimum of five professional
members, including at least one engineer, one geologist, one
geophysicist, plus one APEGGA staff.
2. One of the members shall be appointed as Chair to retain
office for at least two years.
3. Term of office for members shall normally be a minimum
of three years, with sufficient overlap to ensure continuity.
4. Meetings are normally held at the call of the Chair or
the APEGGA staff member.
5. The Committee Chair or designate shall report to Council
as required by the Executive Director.
6. The staff member shall communicate Committee activities
to the Executive Director.
Note: As authorized by Sections 34 and 35 of the Regulations,
the Act, Regulations and Bylaws Committee is a standing committee
established by Council.
Approved by Council on September 21, 2000