Calgary Branch
Activity Report to Council
MARCH 2001

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Branch Executive

John Pastega, P.Eng.

Past Chair
Kevin Richmond, P.Geol.

Vice Chair
Steve Wyton, P.Eng.

Terry Cooper, P.Eng.

Tibor Kaldor, P.Eng.

Dr. Judith Lentin, P.Geol.,
Tumpa Reinhardt, E.I.T.,
Mike Styczen, P.Eng.,
Ed Wilson, P.Eng.,
Francis Chan, P.Eng.,
Dr. Ronald Hinds, P.Geoph.,
Ian Squires, P.Eng.,
Anil Nayak, P.Eng.

Calgary Branch Report To Council - March 2001

Since the last APEGGA Council Meeting, the following events have taken place in the Calgary Branch:

Executive Meetings

Branch executive meetings were held on February 1, 2001, March 19, 2001, April 23, 2001. See the minutes for issues discussed.

President’s Visit, Fairmont Palliser Hotel

President of APEGGA, Sue Evison, P.Eng. hosted a lunch on February 6, 2001

Branch Meeting & Lunch, Fairmont Palliser Hotel

  • February 22: Allan Johnston, P.Geol., President, Coal Association of Canada, presented "Coal: Competitive Energy, Now and in the Future"; attendees 229.

  • March 22: Richard Kline, President, Mercury Energy Corp., presented "New Sparks in Electricity Deregulation".

  • March 27: Mark Kryzan, Director Corporate Affairs Global Thermoelectric Inc., presented "Shifting the Balance of Power"; attendees 76. This meeting was held exceptionally at the Carriage House Inn, as an experiment to better serve members in south Calgary.

Student Outreach

National Engineering Week events, March 3-11, 2001, included the Provincial Challenge, targeted at grades 7 and 8, and the Poster Contest, aimed at elementary grades.

Spring Iron Ring Workshop & Ceremony

APEGGA Volunteers participated at this event on March 17, 2001.

Professional Development Seminar

March 29: Lisa Brown, Brown Performance Institute, presented "Mental Toughness – Secrets of Peak Performers"; attendees 40.


John Pastega, P. Eng.
Branch Chair, Calgary Branch