Peace River Branch
Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 2, 2002
The Focus Building, Grande Prairie

Heidi Yang - Chairman
Sylvain Cadieux - Secretary
Bert Hunt, College Liaison
Jim Davis, Member at Large
Hasan Rizvi, Member at Large
Trent McLaughlin, Outreach Co-ordinator (phone)

Darwin Juell, Member at Large
Brian Morrison, Member at Large
Jason Firmrite, Member at Large
Dan Ropchan, Past Chair
Cheri Berns, Treasurer
John Lehners, Member at Large
Lisa Hall, Vice Chair


The meeting commenced at 7:05 p.m


New business for the agenda of January 8, 2002 meeting is as follows:

    1. Budget Review
    2. Presidents Visit and Lunch
    3. Student Night
    4. National Engineering Week Activities
    5. Upcoming AGM
    6. Upcoming PD Day
    7. Upcoming Golf Tournament
    8. Nomination Update
    9. Review Business Plan
    10. Info Share
    11. Science Festival

The agenda has been revised by Heidi to include item K and was accepted and moved by Heidi and 2nd by Sylvain.


    The January 8, 2002 minutes have been accepted as written and moved by Bert and 2nd by Hasan.


    4.1. Budget Review

      Not provided.

    4.2 Presidents Visit and Lunch

      54 people attended the event (11 guests, 43 members/guests, and 0 students). Event cost was $2,211.20. Ticket sale revenue was $1,075. Branch subsidy was $1,300. Unused portion was $164.00.

    4.3 Student Night

The event was successful. The budget for this event was $400 and $160 remained unspent. 20 people attended, of which 6 were students.

The Job Shadow program during the day was successful.

Bert is to notify the executive members if he wishes to do anything else with the remaining $160 in the budget.

4.4 National Engineering Week Activities

Trent will be planning a science night at the Springfield school in Peace River sometime in April.

Heidi opened an account for the Peace Country Science Olympics. Cheri is to provide Science Olympic Funds to Heidi to deposit into the account. Science Olympic was cancelled this year due to the Teacher’s strike.

Career Expo turned out to be a good turn out considering it was during the Teacher’s strike.

    4.5 Upcoming AGM

      Heidi is planning to have the AGM on May 16/02. It will be either at the Trumpeter or at the Centre 2000 building. Heidi is to organize and inform the executive members. Heidi will contact Peter Goertzen regarding the Centre 2000.

    4.6 Upcoming PD Day

      Jim will be contacting head office to get the ball rolling. Bert has offered to provide limited assistance to Jim. Event is to take place prior to June 15. Lacey of ASET is to be informed of the event when it has been planned. Date of the event and course topics are to be decided on prior to mid April so that Heidi may include this information in the quarterly newsletter. Jim to contact Heidi for information to put into the Newsletter

      As an idea for a course topic, an environmental topic was suggested. Maybe have a speaker from Alberta Environment.

    4.7 Upcoming Golf Tournament

      The Golf Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, July 13 at the Pipestone Putters. Tee-off is to be at about 11 to 12. Darwin will be helping Lacey and other ASET members to solicit prizes and sponsorship from various businesses.

    4.8 Nomination Update

      Lisa will be the Chair this upcoming year. Cheri and Sylvain will be trading their current positions. Positions available are Vice Chair and Members at Large

      Dan is to update us on what he has done on this topic

      The upcoming quarterly newsletter will ask all members for interested candidates.

    4.9 Review Business Plan

      Each item in the Business Plan was read. Most of the plan was done or will be done by the end of this year.

    4.10 Info Share

      Shirley has provided the following information to Heidi regarding the upcoming Branch Orientation Session in Edmonton:

      We generally agree that 4-5 members from the branch is a reasonable attendance. Expenses are reimbursed from head office for travel, meals on the way to destination and back home, as well as your hotel room for 2 nights. Spouses have attended with members in the past and they are welcome at the breakfast and dinner on Saturday. The spouses are on their own for lunch as this is usually a working lunch for branch members.

    4.11 Science Festival

Science Festival is scheduled for August 10-18. Susanne who is involved in organizing this event has approached APEGGA and asked if we could setup 3 challenges for different age groups for Saturday August 18. Trent will send out an email immediately to get commitments from volunteers to help out that day. Trent will also contact Susanne at 539-9847. Bert will find out when the U of A Discovery group is coming to GP for possible volunteer candidates.


    There will not be a meeting until the new executive has been brought forward (after AGM). In the meantime, any items that need to be discussed will be done on email – executives at the meeting thought that this method will work well.


Heidi moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m., Jim 2nd the motion.

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