Fort McMurray Branch
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Present: Excused: Absent:
1. Call to Order 2. Review and Acceptance of January 2002 Meeting Minutes Minutes of January 2002 Branch Executive Meeting not reviewed or accepted. The minutes will be reviewed at the next Executive Meeting. 3. Business Arising From Previous Meeting Minutes None 4. Review of Action Log Review of Action Log deferred to next Executive Meeting. 5. Event Discussion The Branch Executive should not "micro-manage" the event. Improve mailing of Event Flyers. Organizers should attempt to send the Event Flyers to APEGGA Head Office at least 4 weeks ahead of the event. There is need to update the e-mail list of all the members residing in the Fort McMurray area. The APEGGA grant for 2002 is $ 4,000, and Len has indicated we can receive more if necessary. Check with APEGGA Head Office if it is all right for members of the Fort McMurray Branch to send their e-mail addresses to the Branch Secretary. Action: Mitch Azmier. 6. The 2002 President's Visit Head Office is aware of the controversy that arose from Dale Miller's address to the members of the Fort McMurray Branch. Event Loss was approximately $ 3,100. Comments received by branch members suggest the President's address should be more professional and prepared before delivering their address to the members. Next year's organizers should consider other venues, 1 bottle of wine per table and buffet dinners instead of a 5-course meal.
Tickets will be issued to all members of the Branch Executive. The Event Flyer is ready to be sent to Head Office. This year's AGM meal will be the Western Buffet. Ticket Prices to be announced. 8. February 20th Technical Night Event sponsored by Fluor Canada Ltd. The exec supported gifts for the speakers, budget of $200 There will
be 4 speakers covering the topics: 9. Branch Chairs and Council Meeting The President's Visit, an e-mail aliasing or e-mail forwarding service, and Branch finances were discussed. Branches should ensure the APEGGA website is updated. All Branch Executive Meeting Minutes should be sent to Head Office so that the minutes can added to the Branch website. National Engineering Week is March 2 to 9. The Fort McMurray Branch has nothing planned for Engineering Week, as the venue for the Science Olympics is unavailable. The Science Olympics will be held in June. The new Branch Executive Orientation is scheduled for June 14th /15th weekend in Edmonton.
The Vice Chair and Secretary positions were open at the time the minutes were prepared. Paul Hagar to check with Kamal to determine if he is interested in being Secretary for the upcoming term. Five (5) nominations were received for Members at Large. The current members of the Branch Executive should encourage members from Suncor to join the Branch Executive. 11. Next Meeting Monday March
18, 2002 at the YMCA. |