Central Alberta Branch
Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 5, 2001

7:00 p.m., Red Deer College
Arts Centre Conference Room
Red Deer, Alberta

Present: Andrew Poole - P.Eng, Arun Mishra - Ph.D., P.Eng.,. Blair Boudreau - MBA, P.Eng, Elisabeth Dupuis - P.Eng., Frank Au-Yeung - P.Eng., Gerry Pyper - P.Eng., .Kim Ng - C.Chem, P.Eng., Peter Stevens - P.Eng., Robert Perrault - P.Eng.,

Regrets: Bob Demcoe - C.A., P,Eng,. Bob Watson - P.Eng, Chris Dedeurwaerder - E.I.T., Rick Granberg - P.Eng, Rod Collins - P.Eng.,

Recording Secretary: Kim Ng, C.Chem, P.Eng.

1. The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson Blair Boudreau, MBA, P.Eng. at 7:15 PM.

2. The agenda was approved by a motion from Andrew Poole, P.Eng. and seconded by Robert Perrault, P.Eng.

3. Elisabeth Dupuis, P.Eng. and Peter Stevens, P.Eng. motioned the approval for the minutes from the last meeting.

4. Business Arising:

4.1 Special welcomes and greetings from the Chair to all of the 2001-2002 APEGGA Central Alberta Branch Executives especially the new Executives. Mr. Robert Perrault, P.Eng. provided a brief introduction of himself to the rest of the Branch Executives. The Past Chair introduced Frank Au-Yeung, P.Eng. A mentioned from Kim H. Ng, C.Chem., P.Eng. and seconded by Gerry Pyper, P.Eng. in welcoming Frank Au-Yeung, P.Eng. to the Central Alberta Branch Executive was approved.

4.2 Andrew Poole, P.Eng. presented the Student Outreach Coordinator Report. He, Dr. Arun Mishra, P.Eng. and Ms. Elisabeth Dupuis, P.Eng. selected Mr. Richard Brooks of the Mirror School as the 2001 Central Alberta Teacher's Award Winner. A $1,000 award from APEGGA will be presented to the school and a scholarship will be named in Mr. Books's honor. The Branch Executives thank the Andrew, Arun and Elisabeth for their diligent selection and congratulated Mr. Brooks on his award. Mr. Richard Brooks and Mr. Rod Phillips - Principal of the Mirror School thanked APEGGA Central Alberta Branch and all of its members for supporting teachers and schools in the Central Alberta area. Andrew Poole, P.Eng. will notify the Branch Executives regarding a dinner in Mr. Brooks honor sometime later this year. There are 3 outstanding Student Outreach requests.

4.3 The Treasurer's Report was provided by the Chair and Past Chair based on Rick Granberg, P.Eng. - Treasurer's email report. The balance as of May 28, 2001 stands at $1748.50 with some outstanding meeting and branch expenses.

4.4 Bob Demcoe, C.A., P.Eng. (Pasted President of the Red Deer Chamber of Commerce 2001-2002) sent his regrets and emailed to inform the Branch Executives that the Red Deer Chamber of Commerce's Annual Meeting will be at noon June 15, 2001 at 12:00.

4.5 A brief report was provided by Kim H. Ng, C.Chem., P.Eng. on the AGM and on the AGM presentation by Professor David Checkel, Ph.D., P.Eng. from the University of Alberta. Everyone mentioned that they enjoyed the thought provoking presentation by Professor Checkel and the Branch Executives thanked Dr. Checkel for his excellent presentation. The Branch Executives thanked Ms. Shirley Layne, CMP for all of her hard work on behalf of the APEGGA Central Alberta Membership. The AGM survey results are that about 60% of the members that completed the survey prefer gourmet dinner as choice for social events. Laser tag, bowling and pool are the top three choices for Rec Night activities. Everyone that filled in the survey indicated that they found the Red Deer College Student Night very enjoyable.


5.1 The Branch Executives were informed of the Branch Executive Orientation Session in Edmonton by the Chair. Those Branch Executives that have not attended this orientation session before were encouraged to attend. Chairperson Blair Boudreau, MBA, P.Eng will send out more info.

5.2 A new Branch Executives List will be updated and Chairperson Blair Boudreau, MBA, P.Eng will send it out.

5.3 There were more discussions on the ideas in supporting the APEGGA Education Foundation. It was agreed that Kim Ng, C.Chem, P.Eng. will continue to represent the APEGGA Central Alberta Branch on the APEGGA Education Foundation and document and submit these ideas.

5.4 Dr. Arun Mishra, P.Eng. informed the Branch Executives that will be a Red Deer College fundraising event in September. The wine auction and gourmet dinner will be held at the Black Knight Inn. The Branch Executives discussed and agreed that we should publicize and support this event. For members and companies that are interested in sponsoring a table or going to the event please contact Dr. Arun Mishra, P.Eng. It was agreed to send out a mailer to the Central Alberta APEGGA Membership on this and other branch events.

5.5 Arun Mishra, Ph.D., P.Eng. mentioned a very interesting development with the Red Deer College. Several people associated with the College is conducting some preliminary investigation to find out if there is community interest in having Red Deer College support Master Programs in Red Deer.

5.6 Collicutt Rec Centre Tour is planned for June 12, 2001. A lot of interest in the tour. The Branch Executives also discussed a BBQ / planning session in Augest 28, 2001. Gerry Pyper, P.Eng. graciously offer to host this event again. Everyone that attended last year's event mentioned how much they enjoyed the event. The Branch Executives thank Gerry and Mrs. Pyper for hosting last year's and this year's BBQ. (ACTION ITEM: Gerry, can you please email you address to the executives. Thank you)

5.7 Technical Courses : The Society for Engineering in Agricultural, Food and Biological systems 56th Annual Regional Conference in Red Deer, Alberta September 26-28, 2001. For registration call Robert Borg, P.Eng. at 1-800-387-6030. Will also include this in the mailer.

5.8 Volunteer Organization: APEGGA encourages members to extend their expertise to organizations. Plan to discuss further in the next meeting.

7 Next Recording Secretary: Vice - Chair Peter Stevens, P.Eng.

7.1 Gerry's House August 28, 2000

8 Motion to Adjourn approved.