Calgary Branch
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PRESENT L. A. (Len) Shrimpton, P.Eng., Director, Professional Development - via Videoconference REGRETS Patricia Huynh recorded the minutes. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting commenced at 12:10 p.m.
There was one addition: Item 11: New Business - Letter of Complaint to Tom Boleantu, P.Geol. MOVED by Judith Lentin and SECONDED by Ian Squires, THAT the agenda be accepted as amended. Carried.
MOVED by Judith Lentin and SECONDED by Terry Cooper, THAT the minutes of the February 1, 2001, meeting be accepted as distributed. Carried.
4.1 Branch Chairs Meeting Below are some of the items that were discussed at the last Branch Chairs Meeting on February 7th: ¨ MIT
seminars have been redesigned with some improvements. Council approved a budget of up to $50,000 to be used toward the construction of PEGGasus. Another issue discussed was the Presidential Honorarium - members will be asked to reply with mail-in ballot whether they are in favour of or against an honorarium for future APEGGA Presidents. 4.3 Business Plan/Budget The Calgary Branch should have its Business Plan/Budget ready for submission by June. The report is to cover 18 months, starting in June of the existing year to year-end, plus a full year following.
As stated at the last meeting, there is already a Geoscience Liaison Group, therefore it is uncertain whether there is a need for branches to be involved. Len is waiting for feedback and recommendations from Council. ACTION: Shrimpton
Ron and Steve will formulate a policy for sponsorships for Calgary Branch's special events. If this project proceeds, it is suggested that the funds received from the sponsors be used toward reducing the cost of ticket for attendees. 7. SPECIAL EVENTS SUBCOMMITTEE 7.1 NEW There was nothing to report. 7.2 Luge for Liver It was thought that the event went well and was enjoyed by all participants. 7.3 CSPG Honourary Address This event was sponsored by APEGGA for the past two years and it was thought to have enhanced APEGGA's image in the eyes of the geoscience community. Ron will contact Denise Hodder to get additional information regarding the sponsorship. ACTION: Hinds
The group has had 3 -4 subcommittee meetings in the last month, and has been very busy working out the details including researching on the internet, and setting up the framework for the program. They have recently purchased a set of instructional videos and got a hold of some sample booklets and manuals on mentoring, which they will review later on this week. ACTION: Mentoring Subcommittee
It was thought that email would be a good tool to use to communicate with members in the Calgary Branch area using the existing APEGGA membership database. The email sent will be personalise, and contain information on events such as; information/issue forums, PD days/evenings, luncheons, mentoring seminars, etc. ACTION: Promotion/Newsletter Subcommittee
10.1 New Chair Ian Squires will officially be the Chair for the CBMC in September 2001. 10.2 Lunches There was nothing new to report. 10.3 PD Evenings There was nothing new to report.
Steve Wyton sent an official letter of complaint to Tom Boleantu concerning his conduct at a Calgary Branch Professional Development evening on January 9th at The Palliser Hotel.
The next CBEC meeting will be held at noon on Monday, April 23, 2001, in the Calgary APEGGA office. 13. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Judith Lentin and SECONDED by Anil Nayak, at 1:20 p.m., THAT the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
J. W. (John)
Pastega, P.Eng. Chair H. N.(Neil)
Windsor, P.Eng., Executive Director |