Calgary Branch
PRESENT L.A. (Len) Shrimpton, P.Eng., Director, Professional Development - via teleconference REGRETS Patricia Huynh recorded the minutes.
The meeting commenced at 12:11 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA There was one item to be added under New Business: 8.1 Mentoring MOVED by Judith Lentin and SECONDED by Anil Gupta, THAT the agenda be accepted as amended. Carried.
MOVED by Terry Cooper and SECONDED by Judith Lentin, THAT the minutes of February 11, 2002, be accepted as distributed. Carried.
The Calgary Youth Science Fair is looking for volunteers to act as judges at the event. Anyone interested please contact Carmen Killick, Public Relations Coordinator for more information. For the last hockey game of the season with the Calgary Flames vs. the Vancouver Canucks on April 13th, Carmen has arranged, on behalf of the Calgary Branch, to have the APEGGA logo put up on one of the jumbotrons. This is fan appreciation night and it's expected to be a sold-out game. There will be an ad on the APEGGA web site, The PEGG, and also in two of the Blaze Magazines. The cost is $44.50 per ticket. Steve is also co-ordinating with Carmen to put together an APEGGA - Calgary Branch golf tournament. ACTION: Wyton/Killick
Len mentioned that Chrys. Dmytruk would like to have this item put on hold for the time being. Steve mentioned that the intent of the guideline was to get sponsorship support in order to reduce the cost of tickets for attendees at Calgary Branch events. Steve would like to discuss this issue further with Chrys. and Len in hopes of ironing out any problems and/or concerns. ACTION: Wyton/Dmytruk/Shrimpton
6.1 National Engineering Week After about a two-week delay due to the teachers' strike, we're starting to get submissions of posters and essays for the two contests. Carmen is in direct contact with the two engineers from the City of Calgary to make prizes arrangements for the essay contest winners. ACTION: Killick/Chan
The CBMC is working on finalizing the details of cost (air fare/accommodations/food) and possible sponsorship for a Branch evening meeting (near the end of May). Dr. V. Kodur of the National Research Council Canada will come to speak on the World Trade Centre Disaster. The Edmonton District will split the cost with the Calgary Branch since Dr. Kodur has also agreed to speak at their luncheon following ours. Jim Gilliland, P.Eng., of the CSCE is more than happy to market this event with his society as a joint venture with the Calgary Branch. ACTION: Squires/Gilliland
ACTION: Wyton Steve is unable to make this commitment at this time. Is there anyone else or do you know of anyone who would be able to mentor a geotech/geoenvironmental engineer?
MOVED by Laura Ferguson and SECONDED by John Pastega, at 1:10 p.m., THAT the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The CBEC meeting dates are as follows at noon in the Calgary APEGGA Office: Monday,
April 8, 2002 Distribution: S. (Steve)
Wyton, P.Eng., Chair H.N.(Neil)
Windsor, P.Eng., Executive Director