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Link Overview:

Table of Contents
Terms of Reference
Business Plan


Appendix A
- Business Plan
- Activities
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
- Expense Claim Form
- Procedures
Appendix E
- Income-Expense Statement
- Financial Position



























BUDGET (continued)

Local Branch Revenues

Event 1 and 2 - Revenues should be estimated for all events. Professional development and social events should be budgeted to make a profit in order to assist in the financing of other programs (Issues Forums, AGM, the President's Visit, Outreach Activities, College programs, Teacher Recognition and Mentoring Programs that may have to be subsidized). In setting prices, both the local expenses and head office expenses for promotion and gifts should be taken into account.

Other - This item is for revenue generated from other than events. Bank interest is an example.

Local Branch Expenses

Executive Committee - Facilities, food and beverage expense for the executive and appreciation plaques may also be budgeted here. However, recognize that APEGGA also presents Voluntary Service Awards for 6 years of service.

Network - Expenses in running the branch network of responsible members may be budgeted under this item.

Travel & Accommodation - Local expense only should be budgeted here. In the case of branches with significant travel distances between population centres, executive members only may be reimbursed for travel at the APEGGA-approved kilometrage rate. These costs should be minimized through car-pooling where possible.

Stationery & Printing - Local stationery purchases and arrangements for printing with local suppliers are budgeted here. Head office printing of promotional material will show up under photocopying in the total branch budget.

Postage, telephone (probably long-distance only), photocopying and courier - Local expenses only. Head office expense show up under the total branch budget.

Event 1 and 2 - See revenue above.

Outreach (K-12) - This budget item identifies meals, travel (at the APEGGA-approved kilometrage rate) and other program expenses associated with elementary and secondary school activities. This would include the purchase of trophies or awards (if purchased locally), their updating, support for science fairs and math competitions.

College (1st year transfer) - This budget item identifies meals, travel and other program expenses associated with the 1st year transfer programs in local colleges. These students must be enrolled in a University transfer program that qualifies them to enter directly into the second year of an undergraduate engineering program at the U of A or U of C. Activities include financing awards for appropriate competitions, organizing mixers where students meet members and learn more about the professions, and making presentations to them about APEGGA, professionalism and ethics. Scholarships shall not be awarded to prevent conflict with the APEGGA Education Foundation.

Mentoring - All costs for recruiting, training, matching, recognizing and recording mentors appear here.

Other - This item is for charges not covered above.

APEGGA Advances - APEGGA will advance money to the branches to ensure that they have sufficient funds on hand to operate. The branch will plug in the amounts and the timing to meet the short term objectives above. The branch should only budget for a maximum of 2 advances per year.

Event 1 and 2 Description - A few words to describe the event should be entered at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

Section II - Expenses Paid by Head Office and Allocated to the Branch

Head office will estimate the expenses based on branch input. A simple yes or no for attending Council, Summit and the AGM will suffice. Marking the number of promotional pieces and the number and description of the gifts will also generate an estimate of the expense.

Recovery of Expenses

The expense claim should be used and submitted either to the branch for a local expense or to head office for travel to Council, Summits or AGM. The Expense Claim Form is in Appendix D.

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