APEGGA Council To Meet In Red Deer
APEGGA Council will hold its September meeting at the Holiday Inn in Red Deer on Sept. 18, instead of in Calgary as previously scheduled.
Council approved the decision at its June meeting in Edmonton, as part of an initiative to move some Council meetings, likely one a year, to an APEGGA branch location other than the usual venues in Calgary and Edmonton. The Red Deer meeting will be held one day, a change from the procedure involving two half-day sessions spread over two days. The Nov. 26-27 Council meeting at the Sheraton Grande Hotel in Edmonton will take place as scheduled.
CCPE-Novell Agreement
Executive Director and Registrar Neil Windsor, P.Eng., outlined the terms of an agreement reached between the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) and the software firm Novell. Under the agreement, Novell will discontinue use of the term "Certified NetWare Engineer" which it had been awarding to individuals completing courses offered by the company. CCPE and constituent associations have been concerned the term "engineer" in the Novell designation contravenes the right to title provisions in provincial legislation, and were prepared to pursue the matter through legal channels. While the term Certified NetWare Engineer will not be used, Novell will designate those who have completed the courses with the "inventive phrase" of "CNE". Novell will issue revised registration certificates to graduates of its training courses and will advise them that the term engineer is prohibited and could be subject to legal action.
APEGGA Legal Counsel Barry Massing, LL.B, said the Novell/CCPE agreement (which is subject to endorsement by constituent associations) does not preclude APEGGA taking action against anyone who is not in compliance with Alberta's Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act.
APEGGA Council approved a motion to ratify the CCPE-Novell accord. A joint national campaign has been proposed to publicize this agreement.
Manitoba Flood Relief
APEGGA Council has approved a contribution of $7,500 to the Manitoba Flooding Relief Fund. The funds will be administered through the Association of Professional Engineers of Manitoba (APEM). The ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) has announced a donation of $10,000 in honor of the contributions made by Manitoba engineers. The work that engineers have carried out in recent decades, including the development of the Red River Floodway, generally is credited with reducing damage and saving many threatened areas from flooding. During the course of this year's floods, teams of Manitoba engineers volunteered many hours to patrol dikes and floodways to ensure they could contain the waters. CCPE has announced it will match, to a total of $40,000, the contributions of OIQ, APEGGA and other associations (See page 17 for related story).CCPE Report
In reporting on CCPE Board and annual meetings held May 23-24 in Halifax, Noel Cleland, P.Eng., in his capacity as CCPE Alberta Director, noted recent approval of an agreement reached with the U.S. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The accord recognizes as "comparable" the accreditation criteria, policies and procedures of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board and those of ABET.
Mr. Cleland also reported that the CCPE board approved a preliminary budget for 1998 of $3.8 million.
He noted that CCPE had been informed that Memorial University in Newfoundland will be served with a statement of claim to attempt to prevent offering of "software engineering" courses by faculties other than Engineering.
Land Reclamation
Council has received as information a document proposing the development of accreditation and qualification criteria for land reclamation practitioners in Alberta. The document was developed following discussions involving the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists, the Alberta Institute of Agrologists, the Association of Registered Professional Foresters of Alberta, the Canadian Land Reclamation Association-Alberta Chapter, and APEGGA. APEGGA 1st Vice-President Dan Motyka, P.Eng., suggested that any future discussions of the issue also include the Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists.Councillors' Code of Conduct
Council has passed a motion reiterating the principle that Councillors, as part of their code of conduct, shall discuss all issues openly at Council meetings. The same motion notes that once a decision has been taken, Councillors are expected to represent Council's position in public forums in a supportive manner.PD Guideline
APEGGA Director Professional Development Len Shrimpton, P.Eng., told Council that the new continuing professional development guideline is expected to be mailed in mid-July. He also informed Council that Christine Smith has been named Co-ordinator for the continuing professional development program. She will be based in APEGGA's Calgary office.Electronic Seals
CCPE has set up a committee to examine electronic custody and control of computer-stamp imaging. APEGGA Director Special Projects Stewart McIntosh, P.Eng., said that APEGGA's position is that it is essentially up to members and companies to take necessary steps in that regard. However, he added that APEGGA remains ready to help identify issues related to this matter and, if necessary, would be prepared to help develop guidelines. The matter has been directed to the Practice Standards Committee for further comment and recommendation.