Pierre Desjardins, ing.
Elected CCPE ChairThe Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) has elected Pierre Desjardins, ing., as chair of its board. Mr. Desjardins was elected unanimously at the CCPE's 61st annual meeting held on May 23-24 in Halifax. He replaces John Bate, P.Eng., who has completed his one-year term.
In his incoming address to the assembly of professional engineers at the annual meeting,
Mr. Desjardins spoke of his strong desire to see the CCPE serve as a catalyst for the development of stronger linkages among engineering organizations across the country.
"The CCPE must continue to identify innovative partnerships within the profession and the community that promote the highest attainable standards of engineering." Mr. Desjardins said: "Strengthening dynamic alliances is an important first step to unifying the engineering profession. A more united profession is better prepared to tackle emerging challenges such as how advances in engineering technology can be harmonized with public safety, sustainable development, respect for the environment and improved standards in the quality of living for all citizens."
Reinvigorating the CCPE confederation was also a prominent theme of Mr. Desjardins' address.
"As Chairman, I intend to continue to work closely with our constituent associations/ordre across Canada to develop better methods of exchanging information and communications on co-operative approaches to common challenges," he said.
"The CCPE will continue to develop a coalition of consensus on the leadership role the engineering profession is expected to carry within the country and around the world."
Mr. Desjardins, a former president and long-standing member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, is a civil engineer with extensive experience in the management of municipal works projects. Since 1987, he has been the president of Sovenca gestion de projets, inc., a Montreal-based project management firm.
CCPE is the confederation of ten provincial and two territorial regulatory bodies that collectively represent more than 160,000 professional engineers across Canada.