children can explore electricity easily and safely with batteries
and a little motor.
You Need:
- One
or two flashlight batteries (size C)
Small hobby motor (Radio Shack)
Package of coloured wires with alligator clip (Radio Shack)
Popsicle stick or plastic coffee stirrers
Masking tape
To Do:
the motor, two wires, one battery and see if you can make
the motor go. Make sure the two wires are attached to the
two small prongs at the base of the motor. When you touch
one wire to one end of the battery and the other to the other
end, the rotor on the motor should spin.
Put a dab of plasticine in the middle of the popsicle stick
or stirrer and attach it to the rotor. What happens when you
attach the wires to the battery? Careful, the stick may fly
Going On?
you attach wires to each end of the battery, you get electricity
flowing through the wires. Where do you think the electricity
comes from? What happen if you don't touch both ends of
the battery? What things in your home use electricity? How
does electricity come to your home?
Else Can You Do?
a small piece of paper to the rotor to make a blade. You can
also purchase small flashlight bulbs or buzzers that run on
a low voltage. The bulb needs to be touched at the side of
the base with one wire and at the tip of the base with the
other wire to make it light. Battery holders and bulb holders
increase the fun.