You Need:
- 30
pieces of uncooked spaghetti
35 cm of masking tape
1 paper towel tube
Some friends
A timer
A table
A tape measure
To Do:
- Choose
teams. You can have as many as five people in a team.
- Set
the timer for 25 minutes.
- Tape
the tube to the table with the end sticking out over the edge.
- Build
the cantilever bridge that is supported in the tube.
Build the bridge as far out as you can. NOTE: You can't
use the extra materials and the spaghetti can't touch
the floor.
Going On?
have to work in teams all the time in order to design and build
things. When you share ideas you are often able to build
a much better bridge than if you try to work alone.
Else Can You Do?
Can you build a bridge or other structure using other things-like
lasagna or chopsticks?